Join the Master Gardener Association for its first annual Spring kick-off. Snacks and refreshments provided.
When: March 4th, 2014, 6pm-9pm
Where: Boardman River Nature Center, 1450 Cass Rd (see map)
Costs: Free for MGANM members, a suggested donation of $10 for the public attendance.
What: Join the Master Gardener Association for four exciting talks, one for each of our focus areas. Get yourself pumped for an exciting season of hands in the soil, and connect yourself with an active, engaged community of gardeners.
Parking @ Let’s Get Growing; Your Help Needed!
We may have an excellent turnout for Let’s Get Growing. You may have heard me on WTCM on Monday promoting the event. Since parking may be tight at the Boardman River Nature Center, please carpool if you can, and be ready to use our backup parking options. Please plan to park farther away, to ensure room for any guests from the community who may attend.
Backup parking (Please stop at either location and carpool from there to the BRNC)
1. Hartmann & Cass Rd., @ the Bible Baptist Church, 1/2 mile north of the Nature Center. (click for map)
2. TCAPS Bus parking area (click for map)
We are fortunate enough to have help from Mike Deering and Gary Clous in guiding traffic for the event. Please give them your thanks!
Growing Food:
Cultivating Your Eden
by Greg Hart, Seeds
Whether you have room for one raised bed or a 1/2-acre garden, you can produce food from your home and enjoy the benefits of arm’s-reach freshness! Greg Hart of Seeds will discuss some of the strategy involved in cultivating your Eden.
Improving Community:
Successful Landscape Design for the Do-It-Yourself Homeowner
By Brian Zimmerman, Brian Zimmerman & Associates.
Learn from Brian’s 25 years of design experience about how to achieve a landscape that functions well and encourages you to be in the garden. We will discuss the many common mistakes and how to avoid them. A portion of the program will focus on how to minimize irrigation and fertilizer use to grow stronger plants.
Environmental Stewardship:
Habitat Matters: Gardening for Wildlife in Northwest Michigan
by Katie Grzesiak, Northwest Michigan Invasive Species Network
Learn more about the complicated and inspiring relationships between plants and insects, how these links impact other wildlife, and the challenges these relationships face in northwest Michigan. Find out about how to make your garden a better place for the wildlife with which we share our region.
Youth Gardening:
Getting Kids (and their adults) Going in the Garden
By Lilly Mahaney and Sue Sensenbaugh, Master Gardeners
Want to garden more with kids? Whether with your kids at home, for an after school program, or for an existing club, this workshop will help you get started. Learn about existing opportunities to get involved, or find out how to get something new started. Either way, tap into a network of support within the community to help you find success.
And remind yourself what it means to have fun in the garden!