News & Events – July ’14 Real Dirt

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Botanic Garden Classes and Workshops

Plant it Wild Classes and Workshops

Botanic Garden Classes and Workshop

Botanic Garden at Historic Barns Park—Classes and workshops 2014:

Located in the Botanic Garden Visitor Center Classroom

Register at the Visitor Center or on line at:


July 14-18    10am to noon daily—JUNIOR MASTER GARDENER CLASS

This class is for students going into fourth grade through sixth grade. The week long class is taught by retired elementary teacher and Advanced Master Gardener Karen McClatchey. This program is modeled after the highly successful Master Gardener Program and offered by MSU Extension. Horticultural, environmental science education, leadership and life skills development are all a part of this program accomplished through fun and creative activities.

Students enrolled can earn the title of JUNIOR MASTER GARDENER with lessons covering plant growth and development, soils, ecology and environmental Horticulture, insects and diseases, fruits, vegetables and herbs. Cost is $50 which includes a 4-H membership, gardening supplies, home materials and a snack at each session. (15 maximum number of students)


July 16    7pm to 9pm (Monday)– MASTER GARDENER PROGRAM EXPLAINED

Matthew Bertrand will present an introduction to the Master Gardener course for Adults. This program is a volunteer program made up of people who are enthusiastic about gardening, who want to learn about growing plants, and who are willing to share their knowledge with others. This course brings new horticultural information and gardening methods that students learn how to disseminate to others. Matthew’s presentation is sure to inspire you to become a Master Gardener. There is no cost for this seminar.



Join Cathy Hamilton for a wonderful demonstration and background in the Buddhist approach to creating stunning, minimalist floral arrangements using shape, line and form. Cost is $15 for BG members and $20 for non-members.


August 4       7pm to 9pm (Monday)—COMPOSTING—THE ULTIMATE RECYCLING!

Alex Campbell of Bay Area Recycling presents a program on composting.  He will demonstrate a variety of ways a homeowner and gardener can create and sustain a compost system that works.  He will even provide a hands-on experience with the Historic Barns Park’s center.  Cost is $15 for BG members and $20 for non-members.


August 11     7pm to 9pm (Monday)—GREEN ROOFS – A GREAT GREEN             SOLUTION

Nate Griswold—one of the nation’s first individuals to achieve Green Roof Professional Accreditation with a background in landscape architecture, plant science and alternate energy solutions will present a program on green roofs.  If you are interested in a green roof for your doghouse, shed or your whole house, this experienced young man will walk you through the steps that are necessary to create a green solution.  He will be working with the Botanic Garden on one or more green roofs at The Historic Barns Park.  Cost is $15 for BG members and $20 for non-members.


August 23     9am to 3pm (Saturday)—BIM WILLOW FURNITURE WORKSHOP — ANYTHING CLASS

In this class Bim will teach the basics of building with natural materials.  Many of the designs are historical Americana.  Completed projects will be ready to take home within the times estimated to complete—which are based upon no building experience.  Anyone can do this!  A list of projects will be available at the Visitor Center as well as a registration form to complete.  Prices include all materials.  Students need only bring a hammer and pruning shears.  Look at the website for more information:


September 17         7pm to 9pm (Wednesday)—CASTING CALL—VERMICULTURE IN NORTHERN MI.

Corey Oakley, owner of Mossy Tree Landscaping Services will present a fascinating seminar on the role and importance of worms in the soil.  He will talk about building your own garden’s soil for peak plant performance.  Cost for BG members is $15 and $20 for non-members.


October 15   7pm to 9pm—BONSAI 101

Dean Bull, a Bonsai artist and past president and vice-president of Sakura Bonsai Society, Michigan, will demonstrate how he strives to replicate miniature trees through the art of Bonsai.  Bonsai plants are, in essence, little trees but in perfect miniature form.  Cost for BG members is $15 and $20 for non members.

Plant It Wild Classes and Workshops

Programs held at Trinity Lutheran Church Frankfort. Field Trips as Noted. Check out their website at
Program:  July 23, Wednesday, 7:00 p.m.  “Ferns, Sedges, and Grasses”

Join Vern Stevens, owner of Designs by Nature, as he discusses how to use     native ferns, sedges and grasses in your landscape.    There’s more to a native    plant garden than just flowers.

Also: Native Plant SALE by Designs by Nature.


Program:  August 27, Wednesday, 7:00 p.m.  “Master the Art and Science of Composting”

Gary Michalek, Master Gardener and Master Composter, will divulge the best     methods to re-use nature’s bounty through composting.  Gary will explain different composting methods, composting set-up and troubleshooting, and using compost in gardens.


Program and Celebration:   September 24, Wednesday, 6:30 p.m.  “Wild Food Foraging & Feast”

6:30 p.m. — Celebrate the end of the summer season with a potluck dinner and brief annual meeting. Bring a dish to share, place settings, family and friends.

7:15 p.m. — Kirk Waterstripe, NMC Science Lab Manager and Plant Biology adjunct     professor, will explain that there really IS such a thing as a “free” lunch.  Learn to    identify edible wild plants and how to forage like our ancestors.  Foraged foods will be available for tasting.

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