Below are some of the upcoming events offered in our area through our Association, the Boardman River Nature Center, Plant It Wild, and The Botanic Gardens at Historic Barns Park. Check each of their websites for even more summer fun. Most, if not all, of these events earn either education or volunteer hours.
MGANM Board Meeting
Thursday, September 7, 6:30pm. Horizon Books, lower level, 243 East Front Street, Traverse City, MI 49684. Participation earns volunteer hours.
Boardman River Nature Center Native Display Gardens work bees
Tuesdays throughout September, 5:00pm-7:30pm. Boardman River Nature Center, 1450 Cass Road, Traverse City, MI 49685. All levels of gardeners are invited to work on the educational gardens. This is an official Master Gardener volunteer project-participation earns volunteer hours. Bonus: learn to identify native plants!
“Plants Deer Don’t Eat”
Tuesday, October 3, 6:30pm with a potluck at 6:00pm. Brian Zimmerman of Four Season Nursery presents at the Boardman River Nature Center, 1450 Cass Road, Traverse City, MI 49685. Educational meetings are open to the public, and a $5 donation from non-members is appreciated.
Annual Volunteer Recognition Luncheon
Sunday, November 5th, 1-3pm. Gilbert Lodge at Twin Lakes Camp; 6800 N Long Lake Road Traverse City, MI 49684. Join MSU Extension and MGANM as we celebrate another year of gardening. This event will encompass an educational speaker, silent auction, light lunch, awards, and camaraderie. There will be a small fee associated with this event to cover costs. Look for an invitation soon!
Boardman River Nature Center
Forestry Field Day at Interlochen Center for the Arts
September 9 @ 9:00am – 3:00pm $5.00
Native Tree Hike with District Forester Kama Ross
September 14 @ 6:30pm – 8:30pm
Ties to the Land – A Family Forest Ownership Succession Workshop Event
September 16 @ 9:00am – 4:00pm
Fall Garden Clean-Up for the Native Beds Event
October 12 @ 6:30pm – 8:30pm
Plant It Wild
“Life Below Our Feet”
Wednesday, September 20, 6:30pm – 9:00pm. Trinity Lutheran Church, 955 James St., Frankfort, MI (on James Street between 9th and 10th Streets). Come for a delicious potluck dinner at 6:30pm. Bring your appetite, a dish to pass, your table service, and your friends. After dinner at 7:15 Brian Zimmerman, owner of Four Season Nursery (, will present a fascinating program on the life below our feet and the ecosystems in the soil that are necessary for our survival. He will also explain the differences between plant food and synthetic fertilizers.
The Botanic Garden at Historic Barns Park
Cooking with Herbs
Wednesday, September 20, th from 7:00pm – 9:00pm. Join us for an evening learning how to harvest and cook with herbs with Dixie Stephen. This is the fourth class in our five-class Herb Series that is being offered all season long. 1490 Red Dr, Traverse City, MI 49684. Register for free/fee classes on the BG website,, through EventBrite.