Below are some of the upcoming events offered in our area through our Association, the Boardman River Nature Center, Plant It Wild, and The Botanic Gardens at Historic Barns Park. Check each of their websites for even more summer fun. Most, if not all, of these events earn either education or volunteer hours.
Planting a Smart Vegetable Garden
Presented by Rebecca Krans, MSU Extension Consumer Horticulture team member
Tuesday, May 1, 6:30 pm. Light refreshments at 6 pm
*Please note this is a change of venue from our normal location*
Leelanau County Government Center, 8527 East Government Center Drive, Suttons Bay, MI 49682
All Master Gardeners and the public are invited. A $5 donation from non- members is appreciated.
Smart Pest Management for Vegetable Gardens
Tuesday, June 5, 6:30pm with a potluck at 6:00pm
Boardman River Nature Center, 1450 Cass Road, Traverse City, MI 49685
Terrarium Workshop
Back by popular demand! Build your own terrarium at Pinehill Nursery at Village Corners
Tuesday, June 12, time TBD
1126 Carver Street, Traverse City, MI 49686
*Members Only. Fee applies. Reservation required. *
Native Garden Workbees
Learn about native plants, their usage in various types of gardens, and get hands on experience.
Monday evenings 5:00pm-7:00pm throughout May
Wednesday mornings 9:00am-11:00am throughout May
Boardman River Nature Center
Garlic Mustard Work Bees
Saturday, May 12, 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Now is your chance to bring a friend and join GTCD and the Invasive Species Network to help steward our natural areas! First, choose a location to meet us: Hickory Meadows or the BRNC. Then, dress for the weather and work with us to remove invasive garlic mustard (or plant, groom trails, or pick up.
Annual Native Plant Sale
Saturday, May 19, 8:00 am – 3:00 pm
Update your home landscape with native plants that are beautiful, well- adapted to our climate, and support a variety of animals living in our region. Plant experts will be on hand to help you pick out the perfect native plants from our selection of over 50 species. Cash, check, and credit cards will be accepted.
Baby’s Breath Work Bee
Thursday, May 31, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Thursday, June 7, 10:00am-12:00pm
Saturday, June 16, 10:00am-12:00pm
Join the Invasive Species Network (ISN) and the Grand Traverse Regional Land Conservancy as we work to remove invasive baby’s breath from Elberta Beach in Benzie County! Spreading easily over northwest Michigan’s beaches and dunes, baby’s breath crowds out native plants and degrades important habitat. We need your help to restore Elberta Beach back to a diverse, healthy landscape! With a deep taproot, removal is hard work but extremely rewarding. Shovels and other tools will be provided but please bring your own work gloves to protect your hands while using shovels. Long pants are recommended as there is some poison ivy on the beach. We will meet at Elberta Beach parking lot. Water and other refreshments will be provided. Feel free to join us at one or all of the dates!
Japanese Barberry Trade-Up Day
June 16, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Trade in your landscaped Japanese barberry for a coupon to a local landscaper or nursery! Receive a $5.00 coupon for every plant you bring us (up to $50.00). We’ll properly dispose of your invasive species and you can go shopping for a non-invasive alternative!
Registration: RSVPs are required – please contact ISN Outreach Specialist Emily Cook at or 231.941.0960 x 20.
Plant It Wild
“Wildflowers at Pete’s Woods”
Wednesdays, May 2 and 9, 10:00am-12:00pm
Walk with Paula Dreeszen to see all the eye-popping Michigan native wildflowers in Pete’s Woods. Fabulous Spring hike.
Location: GTRLC’s Pete’s Woods Trailhead on Swamp Rd.
Misty Ridge Greenhouse
Monday, May 14, 10:30am – 12:00pm
Visit the greenhouse with growers Paul and Jody Zemsta. They will explain their propagation practices and have plants to sell.
Location: 6171 N 11 Rd, Mesick
“The State of Native Plants”
Wednesday, May 16, 7:00 pm
Cheryl Gross will host a presentation on the state of native plants in the US and abroad. Come and learn about what other areas/gardens are doing with natives.
Trinity Lutheran Church, 955 James Street, Frankfort.
“Dunes Wildflowers at Baldy”
Wednesday, June 13, 10:00am – 12:00pm
Join Paula Dreeszen on a 1.5 mile hike to see dunes wildflowers. Possible Yellow Lady Slippers?
Location: GTRLC’s Mt. Baldy Trailhead. M-22.
Plant Sale
Friday, June 15, 10:00am – 2:00pm
Manistee Conservation District & PIW host plant sale with Vern Stephens of Designs by Nature. MCD Fund Raiser. Great plants!
Location: 8840 Chippewa Hwy # 1, Bear Lake
“Pollinators…State of Affairs”
Wednesday, June 20, 7:00 pm
Carolyn Thayer will present the current findings, research, and methods to protect pollinators. As up to 2/3 of our food requires insect pollination, learn about this important topic.
The Botanic Garden at Historic Barns Park
Creating Spring & Summer Porch Pots
Wenesday, May 2, 6:30pm-8:30pm
With floral designer Terry Hooper of Hooper’s Farm Gardens guiding us through the process of creating gorgeous spring and summer porch pots! The $35 fee for this make-and-take class covers all materials needed. This class is open to the public. Advance registration is required and limited to 15 participants.
Volunteer Garden Caretaker Training
Thursday, May 3, 6:30pm-8:30pm
Are you looking for an engaging and interactive volunteer opportunity? Garden caretakers dig in the dirt! Tasks include weeding, watering and monitoring the health of our plants across multiple Garden spaces and containers. Meet on the upper level of The Botanic Garden Visitor Center. We are currently in need of volunteer caretakers for the Maple Allee and the FireWise garden areas.
Growing a Cutting Garden
Wednesday, June 6 7:00pm-9:00pm
Discover how to grow a cutting garden. Michelle Shackelford will discuss growing and tending a wide array of cut flowers, her overall process, and she’ll also demonstrate how to make a beautiful bouquet straight from the garden.