Below are some of the upcoming events offered in our area through our Association, the Boardman River Nature Center, Plant It Wild, and The Botanic Gardens at Historic Barns Park. Check each of their websites for even more summer fun. Most, if not all, of these events earn either education or volunteer hours.
Smart Gardening For Soil Health
Tuesday, September 4th 2018, 6:30pm with a potluck at 6:00pm
The Boardman River Nature Center, 1450 Cass Road, Traverse City, MI 49685
MGANM presents “Smart Gardening For Soil Health” with special guest Dr. George Bird from Michigan State University. Dr. Bird will share best practices in the garden to keep your soil healthy.
Dr. Bird is a professor in the Department of Entomology at MSU and former Research Scientist, Agriculture Canada and Associate Professor, University of Georgia. Dr. Bird became a faculty member at MSU in 1973; where he teaches and does research and Extension outreach on sustainable and equitable development in regards to food systems, with special reference to soil health biology. Dr. Bird is a recipient of the MSU Distinguished Faculty Award, a 19-year member of the Rodale Institute board of Directors and the first National Director of the U.S. Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program.
All Master Gardeners and the public are invited. A $5 donation from non- members is appreciated.
MGANM Board Meeting/November Recognition Planning Meeting
Tuesday, September 11th 2018, 6:00 pm
Lower Level, Horizon Books, Front Street, Traverse City
Designing with Natives for Fall Color
Tuesday, October 2nd 2018, 6:30pm with a potluck at 6:00pm
The Boardman River Nature Center, 1450 Cass Road, Traverse City, MI 49685
MGANM presents Designing with Natives for Fall Color with Brian Zimmerman of Four Season Nursery and Brian Zimmerman & Associates. Brian Zimmerman & Associates was formed in 1996. The focus is design & build residential landscape projects, both new and remodel, large or small. Brian is a third generation landscape contractor in the Traverse City area, having spent 24 years working for his father before starting his own company. His biggest joy is being a part of the project from the initial meeting & design to bringing it all together.
Educational meetings are open to the public, and a $5 donation from non-members is appreciated
MGANM Recognition Luncheon
Mark your calendars for Sunday, November 4th.
The Recognition Luncheon event is rewarding as it brings together MGANM members and MG volunteers to celebrate the accomplishments of the last year, enjoy a delicious meal, hear a speaker, and enjoy the company of other gardeners. Earn volunteer hours by participating in event planning, set-up, table decorations, and the like. End the season on a high note!
Boardman River Nature Center
Native Grasses: Program and Potluck
Wednesday, September 19, 6:30-8:30 pm
Vern Stephens of Designs by Nature will share his expertise in propagating native grasses and establishing grasslands. Native plants will be available for sale.
6:30 – Potluck – Bring your table service and a dish to pass. Brief business meeting.
7:15 – Program
Trinity Lutheran Church, 955 James St, Frankfort, MI 49635
Grasslands and Goldenrods: Arcadia Dunes Field Trip
Thursday, October 4, 1-3 pm
Come on out to the beautiful grasslands at Arcadia Dunes for a species ID and seed collection event hosted by GTRLC’s own Angie Lucas, with help from Plant it Wild and Benzie Audubon. Dress for the weather and wear comfortable shoes. This event will be held rain or shine!
17298-17230 Keillor Rd, Bear Lake, MI 49614
Plant It Wild
“Wildflowers at Pete’s Woods”
Wednesdays, May 2 and 9, 10:00am-12:00pm
Walk with Paula Dreeszen to see all the eye-popping Michigan native wildflowers in Pete’s Woods. Fabulous Spring hike.
Location: GTRLC’s Pete’s Woods Trailhead on Swamp Rd.
Misty Ridge Greenhouse
Monday, May 14, 10:30am – 12:00pm
Visit the greenhouse with growers Paul and Jody Zemsta. They will explain their propagation practices and have plants to sell.
Location: 6171 N 11 Rd, Mesick
“The State of Native Plants”
Wednesday, May 16, 7:00 pm
Cheryl Gross will host a presentation on the state of native plants in the US and abroad. Come and learn about what other areas/gardens are doing with natives.
Trinity Lutheran Church, 955 James Street, Frankfort.
“Dunes Wildflowers at Baldy”
Wednesday, June 13, 10:00am – 12:00pm
Join Paula Dreeszen on a 1.5 mile hike to see dunes wildflowers. Possible Yellow Lady Slippers?
Location: GTRLC’s Mt. Baldy Trailhead. M-22.
Plant Sale
Friday, June 15, 10:00am – 2:00pm
Manistee Conservation District & PIW host plant sale with Vern Stephens of Designs by Nature. MCD Fund Raiser. Great plants!
Location: 8840 Chippewa Hwy # 1, Bear Lake
“Pollinators…State of Affairs”
Wednesday, June 20, 7:00 pm
Carolyn Thayer will present the current findings, research, and methods to protect pollinators. As up to 2/3 of our food requires insect pollination, learn about this important topic.
The Botanic Garden at Historic Barns Park
Guided Meditation at the Garden
Thursdays, September 6, 13, 20, 27 5- 6 pm
Meditation at the Garden classes continue with Stephen and Theresa Bangle! The $20 fee covers all four sessions. The Bangles will be donating all proceeds back to The Botanic Garden!
Extending Your Growing Season
Wednesday, September 12th, from 7:00pm-9:00pm
Join us as Patti Travioli, owner of Heartwood Forest Farm, guides us through techniques for extending our growing season including greenhouses, hoop houses and cold frames.
Building a Sustainable Seed Community
Sunday, September 16th, from 1:00pm-3:00pm
Join us for this fun, informative and fast paced presentation as Ben Cohen, owner of Small House Farm, shares seeds and stories while discussing how to build a stronger, more sustainable seed community.
Demystifying Bonsai: Please DO try this at home!
Wednesday, September 19th, from 7:00pm-9:00pm
Hear Linda Schubert and Janet Kivell guide us through demystifying bonsai!
What’s Up With the Bees?
Sunday, September 23rd, from 1:00pm-2:30pm
Join us as beekeeper Alta Walters discusses the many threats to bees and shares ways we can help combat and prevent these threats. This presentation is in collaboration with Crosshatch Center for Art & Ecology.
Colantha’s Garden Celebration
Sunday, September 30th, from 12:00pm-4:00pm
Please join us for Colantha’s Garden Celebration at Historic Barns Park and enjoy an afternoon of family fun and special activities to mark the harvest season and the beginning of a new school year. — it’s free!
Note: All classes will be held at the Botanic Garden Visitor Center. Pre-registration and tickets are required for all events due to space and are available on the website.